Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine

Take control of your health naturally!

Natural medicine has been used since antiquity and even today the World Health Organisation estimates that 80% of people worldwide rely on natural remedies to maintain health.  Herbal medicine is based on the traditional use of plant-based medicines to help support the body's own healing processes in order to restore a balanced state of health.  Natural medicine may help to treat and prevent a wide range of conditions for which you would normally visit your GP.

Your Medicine

The prescription for your herbal medicine maybe a tincture (a blend of herbal extracts in alcohol/water base), tea, capsules or tablets.  For external use, creams, lotions or oils maybe prescribed.  Each prescription is tailored specifically for you as an individual, depending on your medical history.  

Quality and Integrity of Herbal Medicine

All herbal medicines are sourced from reputable suppliers with highly stringent quality controls to ensure you are getting high potency herbs for maximum benefit. Where organic herbs are used, these are verified by the Soil Association, the UK's organic certifying body, whose standards are well above those set by the EU.


To complement your herbal medicine treatment we may recommend supplements to further enhance the healing process.  Please use the following links to order your supplements.  The suppliers provide practitioner grade supplements which are carefully chosen for their quality and efficacy based on scientific research.
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